
 Article 4 of “Grundgesetz” (German Basic Law) guarantees freedom of belief: every person is free to choose and practise their own religion. There is also the freedom not to profess a religion, to leave a religious community or to convert to another.

In Rostock there are the following religious congregations and communities:

Worship services in English

to be dated

The evangelical congregation Innenstadtgemeinde started a new monthly series of Worship services in English in the rooms of St Peter's Church in September 2021:

International Prayer
"We cordially invite you to our 'International Prayer', a series of ecumenical services in St Peter‘s Church, Rostock. Texts, songs and prayers will be in English language. After the service we will have a get-together with coffee, tea and snacks. If you are interested in singing, join us at 4:30 pm for a short rehearsal of the songs for the service."

  • Place:  Church of St Peter, Rostock
  • Date:  
    4.30 p.m. - singing warm up
    5.00 p.m. - ecumenical service in English
    afterwards - get-together with coffee and tea

Public Holidays

There are various public holidays in the individual Federal States in Germany1. Universities, official agencies and most shops are closed on these “work-free” days. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has the following public holidays:

1 Overview of all public holidays in Germany: Wikipedia

Rostock University Church