International Welcome Center for International (Guest) Scientists and Doctoral Candidates

The International Welcome Center supports and advises international guest scientists and doctoral candidates. Here they can obtain information on topics such as work permits, immigration law and language courses. The services offered by the International Welcome Center also include help with filling out forms and support in finding accommodation.


International Welcome Center Newsletter

Dear doctoral candidates and researchers,

if you want to receive our newsletter with informations about events and other things happening in and around the University of Rostock send us an email to

Pub Quiz at Ursprung


Join us for the Pub Quiz at Ursprung bar on the 18th of February at 8:00 pm! One of Rostocks popular bars arranges a fun trivia night solely in English and we want to offer you the chance to be a part of it. Please sign up via our Email until the 14th of Feburary.

Let's show our opponents the ropes and simultaneously get to know each other a little better! We will meet at 7:45 pm at Ursprung bar (Alter Markt 16)!

See you there!

Monthly Get-Together

The Stammtisch is our monthly Get-Together for meeting new people, having fun and practicing the German language together. It's really not about the right grammar but about the fun of interacting with each other in a safe and casual environment. On these evenings, however, we want to try and speak only German. Nevertheless, you are also very welcome to join in if you have only a beginner's level (A1) and may not be comfortable to speak in German the whole evening. We meet once a month on Wednesday evening at 7pm in the Global Café (Parkstraße 6). Please find the exact dates below and on our flyer. 

  • 6th of January 2025
  • 3rd of February 2025
  • 3rd of March 2025

We're looking forward to meeting you there!

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date with the Stammtisch and our other events!

Past Events

International X-Mas Party

It's time again - our legendary International X-Mas Party is just around the corner!

Poster of the X-Mas Party

Let's come together again to celebrate the cultural diversity at our university and share the Christmas spirit. For decades, the International X-Mas Party has been an absolute highlight at the University of Rostock and a must, especially for all international students.

The Rostock International House (RIH) organizes the yearly party in close cooperation with the Local Erasmus Initiative Rostock (ESN LEI Rostock). This year it will take place in Peter-Weiss-Haus and promises not only a festive gathering with German Christmas traditions, but also speeches by the Head of the university, a selected cultural programme and a varied selection of music. The whole event culminates in a dance party that will last until the early hours of the morning.

Date: 13th of December 2024, 7pm

Location: Peter-Weiss-Haus, Doberaner Str. 21, 18057 Rostock

Further informationX-Mas Party - University of Rostock

Info event about the German tax system

How to get the most out of your tax return!


Would you like to find out how you can get a tax refund and which tax bracket is the most favourable for you? In that case our information event is the right place for you!

Topics of the event:

  • Tax brackets for married couple: Discover which tax bracket is best for your living situation and how you can save taxes by making the right switch.
  • Tax refund: We will show you practical tips to get the most out of your tax return.
  • Double housekeeping: Find out what you need to consider if you have one household in Germany and another abroad and how you can claim costs for tax purposes.
  • Deduction of work equipment: Learn how you can claim a refund of work equipment such as computers and literature.

The event is free of charge. Drinks and snacks will be provided!

Date: 19th of November, 5 pm

Location: IBZ - Bergstraße 7a, 18057 Rostock

Lecturer: Ines Collmann (tax consultant at Steuerring) Please sign in until 18th November via

We look forward to your participation!

Welcome-Treff x Stammtisch

Are you new to the Region of Rostock and want to make new contacts?

The International Welcome Center of the University of Rostock and the Welcome Center Region Rostock are teaming up for the next Welcome-Treff x Stammtisch. We are looking forward to welcoming new residents, returnees, international newcomers and researchers of the Region of Rostock to our joint event. At this Meet up you have the opportunity to get to know other newcomers, make new contacts and chat about your start in the region during a relaxed evening. 

Please write at the bottom of the registration form under "Anmerkungen/Wünsche" whether you speak German, English or both languages! We will be taking photos and videos for our social media channels and website. If you do not want to appear there, please let us know at the beginning of the event.

Date: 24th of September 2024 at 5:30 pm
Location: Mensa Ulme (Ulmenstraße 45, 18057 Rostock)
Registration: until 10th of September via

Welcome Center Region Rostock regular’s table (Stammtisch)

5th of June, 6pm

The Welcome Center Region Rostock (WCRR) helps with consultation & tips about living in the Region of Rostock and invites everyone new to Rostock to a Welcome-Treff.

At the Welcome-Treff at the city harbour, you can make new contacts and chat about your start in the Region of Rostock over a drink, ice cream or snack.

Date: 5th of June, at 6 pm

Location: Rost Dommel (former Rost Dock), Warnowufer 65, 18057 Rostock

Guided Tour Nordex


Dear international PhDs, postdocs and visiting scientists,

Take part in the guided tour of Nordex on May 28 2024 and gain an insight into one of Rostock’s leading companies and top employers in the region.

Situated in the maritime city of Rostock, Nordex stands as a beacon of innovation and sustainability in the wind energy industry. With a rich history spanning decades, Nordex Rostock is renowned for its cutting-edge technology, unmatched expertise and unwavering commitment to advancing clean energy solutions. We look forward to your participation! Be excited :)

The guided tour will take place on Tuesday, 28th May 2024. The tour will take about 3 to 3.5 hours and will be conducted in English.

Please register stating full name, faculty and degree programme until 6thMay 2024 via incoming.rihuni-rostockde if you like to take part.

Further information:

Intercultural training for international PHDs, post-docs and researchers

16.05.2024 - 2-5pm

Living and working in Germany - Intercultural training for international PhD students and researchers

To successfully tackle the challenges of multicultural academic and professional life, PhD students and researchers have to be able to manage intercultural situations and emerging conflicts effectively. Developing the capacity to mediate differing cultural perspectives is a key determinant of intercultural competence.

Designed as an interactive workshop, the training will provide international PhD students and researchers of the University of Rostock with essential cross-cultural skills for building relationships and working effectively in a multicultural environment. Using hands-on exercises and simulation role-plays, participants will gain an understanding of values and attitudes in German academic life, identify and analyse their personal approaches to different intercultural challenges and increase their intercultural awareness and competence. The participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own culture, discuss personal experiences, ask questions and exchange their views with the other participants.


  • Culture and cultural differences with a focus on academic life
  • Developing intercultural awareness and intercultural competences
  • Adapting to a new culture
  • Stereotypes and prejudices
  • Values and attitudes in German academic life
  • Communication styles and language issues
  • Cross-cultural management skills
  • Good practice for cross-cultural situations at university

Pub Quiz


Join us for the Pub Quiz at Ursprung bar on the 15th of April at 8:20 pm! One of Rostocks popular bars arranges a fun trivia night solely in English and we want to offer you the chance to be a part of it. The competing groups will consist of up to eight people, but you can sign up alone, since the International Welcome Center Team will form one to two groups.

Let's show our opponents the ropes and simultaneously get to know each other a little better at Ursprung bar (Alter Markt 16)!

See you there!

Regular's Table


Dear international PhDs, postdocs and visiting scientists,

we are glad to invite you to our next “Stammtisch” (regular table) on Thursday, March 21st. It will take place in Restaurant Käthe at Barnstorfer Weg 10 .
We'll meet at 7 p.m. Please tell us if you intend on coming and feel free to bring yourfamily and friends :)
We look forward to seeing you!

  • Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024, starting 7 p.m.
  • Place: Restaurant Käthe (Barnstorfer Weg 10, KTV)
  • Language: English, German, as you like
  • Registration: To reserve enough seats, please let us know if you will be coming.

Invitation to "Sprachenabend"


At the University of Rostock, the HMT and the research institutions close to the university, there are many people who learn languages. German, English, French, Italian and Spanish are particularly popular.

The Local Erasmus Initiative (LEI), the Tandem Programme of the University of Rostock and the Fachschaftsrat Romanistik (Student Council for Romance Studies) would like to bring language learners together with native speakers of these languages: In a relaxed atmosphere with snacks and drinks, there is the opportunity to talk for an hour or more in the desired or offered language and to meet new people.

Details:    Sprachenabend
Place:      Parkstraße 6
Date:        08.01.2024 | 19:30

International X-Mas Party

8th December 2023 - 7pm

It's time again - our legendary International X-Mas Party is just around the corner!

Let's come together again to celebrate the cultural diversity at our university and share the Christmas spirit. For decades, the International X-Mas Party has been an absolute highlight at the University of Rostock and a must, especially for all international students.

The party is organised by the Rostock International House (RIH) in close cooperation with the Local Erasmus Initiative Rostock (LEI). This year it will take place in Peter-Weiss-Haus and promises not only a festive gathering with German Christmas traditions, but also an award ceremony, speeches by the Head of the university, a selected cultural programme and a varied selection of music. The whole event culminates in a dance party that will last until the early hours of the morning.

Place and Date: Peter-Weiss-Haus, Doberaner Str. 21; 8. Dezember 2023 19Uhr

Further information:

Guided tour at Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH


Take part in the guided tour of Liebherr on 23 November and gain insight into one of Rostock’s leading companies and top employer in the region.

Liebherr, founded in 2002, develops and manufactures ship cranes, mobile harbour cranes and offshore cranes. Its product portfolio also includes reach stackers and components for container cranes. Liebherr is a key global player in the industry with almost 2000 employees working in areas ranging from marine and mechanical engineering, accounting and law to research and IT. It trains apprentices and employs students. Gaining some “behind-the-scenes” over the 450.000+ square meter location in Rostock is a must for all students in a technical or marine-related study programme and for those of you who are interested in getting to know the inner workings of a large company.

We look forward to your participation! Be excited :)

The guided tour will take place on Thursday, 23rd of November. We will meet at 08:15 am at the Rostock Steintor IHK stop on platform K and take tram 1 at 08:32am. Please be on time! The tour will take about 2.5 to 3 hours. Please feel free to think about questions beforehand, which will then be answered by the employees ;)

Please register until 20 November via welcome-centeruni-rostockde if you like to take part.

Contact: welcome-centeruni-rostockde

Further information:


23.11.2023 - 3:20pm

Clear the stage for this year's slammers!

The Research Camp 2023 is getting closer and closer. We are delighted that eight scientists from five different faculties will be taking to the stage at this year's Science Slam event to inspire the audience with creative presentations about their research. The topics of the contributions reflect the broad diversity of our university. You can even expect a musical performance. For the first time, a faculty prize is awarded as a challenge cup, which must be defended next year. Be curious! 

The following scientists will be competing for the faculty prize:

  • Tommy Ender & Vicky Shettigondahalli Ekanthalu: "Turning s**t into gold"
    Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences | Waste and Material Flow Management
  • Vincenz Crone: "Life without a pulse"
    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technologies | Chair of Fluid Mechanics
  • Kathalina-Viktoria Raabe: "On the trail of the secret language of sea lions?"
    Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences | Institute of Biology | Seal Research Center Hohe Düne
  • Anna Hanf & Jonathan Hanf: "Feeling home again"
    Faculty of Arts and Humanities | Institute of Vocational Education & Department of Educational Sciences
  • Carsten Tautorat & Kerstin Lebahn: "I see something you don't see"
    Rostock University Medicine | Institute for Biomedical Engineering

We cordially invite you to support the representatives of your faculty!

Visit us on 23.11.2023 at 15:20 p.m. in front of the stage in the Konrad-Zuse-Haus. Your applause counts!

Corina Reinheckel & Fabio Silingardi
Graduate Academy of the University of Rostock

Worship services in English

to be dated

The evangelical congregation Innenstadtgemeinde started a new monthly series of Worship services in English in the rooms of St Peter's Church in September 2021:

International Prayer
"We cordially invite you to our 'International Prayer', a series of ecumenical services in St Peter‘s Church, Rostock. Texts, songs and prayers will be in English language. After the service we will have a get-together with coffee, tea and snacks. If you are interested in singing, join us at 4:30 pm for a short rehearsal of the songs for the service."

  • Place:  Church of St Peter, Rostock
  • Date:  
    4.30 p.m. - singing warm up
    5.00 p.m. - ecumenical service in English
    afterwards - get-together with coffee and tea



We, the International Welcome Center, would like to invite you to a another joined trip to a museum! This time we’re going to the PhanTECHNIKUM in Wismar on July9th . We want to give you a chance to get to know other Internationals, while exploring a (possibly) new city. The PhanTECHNIKUM is an interactive museum on the topic of technology. Take a look at their website to get insight on the different exhibitions ( Wismar can easily be reached by train, which is why we will take the train from Rostock Hauptbahnhof at 09:06am on track 10. We’ll be at PhanTECHNIKUM at around 10:45am and spend approximately 2,5 hours there. After that, we can grab some lunch and take a stroll through the beautiful city of Wismar. Depending on everyone’s wishes, we could take the train back home to Rostock around 5pm or later.

A singular trainticket is around 8 EUR, but if enough people join, we can buy a cheaper group ticket. The ticket for the museum is 10 EUR for adults, 6EUR if you have a student ID!

Feel free to bring friends, partners, kids!

Registration is not needed, see you at Rostock central station

Invitation to "Sprachenabend"


At the University of Rostock, the HMT and the research institutions close to the university, there are many people who learn languages. German, English, French, Italian and Spanish are particularly popular.

The Local Erasmus Initiative (LEI), the Tandem Programme of the University of Rostock and the Fachschaftsrat Romanistik (Student Council for Romance Studies) would like to bring language learners together with native speakers of these languages: In a relaxed atmosphere with snacks and drinks, there is the opportunity to talk for an hour or more in the desired or offered language and to meet new people.

Details:    Sprachenabend
Place:       Parkstraße 6
Date:        26.04.2023 | 20:00
                  24.05.2023 | 20:00
                  15.06.2023 | 20:00

Picknick at Ulmencampus


The sun is starting to come out and we want to use the great May weather to get to know each other some more. Join us on a little picknick! Please bring some snacks and drinks for yourself and if you want, for some others to try too. Maybe you would like to introduce people to something typical from your home country or culture?


  • Date: 17th of May
  • Time: 6pm
  • Location: grass area between the buildings at Ulmencampus (Ulmenstraße 69)
  • Registration: until 15th of May to

Trip to the Ozeaneum Stralsund


Join us for our day trip by train to Stralsund!
We want to explore the Ozeaneum and the city and get to know each other. Departure is at 9.00 am from Rostock main station. Once we arrive in Stralsund, we will go straight to the museum. Afterwards there is the possibility to explore Stralsund alone or together. We will return to Rostock in the late afternoon. Bring your friends, partners and children!

Invitation to Tandem Kick-off


Language learning made easy - together in tandem!

There are many people at the University of Rostock, HMT and university-related research institutions who would like to learn languages. The Tandem Programme brings language learners together with native speakers for this purpose.

Details:   Tandem-Programm
Place:       Ulmenstraße 45
Date:        19.04.2023 | 19:00

Pub Quiz


Join us for the Pub Quiz at Ursprung bar on the 8th of March at 8 pm! One of Rostocks popular bars arranges a fun trivia night solely in English and we want to offer you the chance to be a part of it. The competing groups will consist of up to eight people, but you can sign up alone, since the International Welcome Center Team will form one to two groups consisting of everyone, who signs up via Email until the 4th of March.

Let's show our opponents the ropes and simultaneously get to know each other a little better at Ursprung bar (Alter Markt 16)!

See you there!

Regular's Table


Dear international PhDs, postdocs and visiting scientists,

we are glad to invite you to our next “Stammtisch” (regular table) on Thursday, January 19th. It will take place in Restaurant Käthe at Barnstorfer Weg 10 again.
We'll meet at 7 p.m.. Please be there on time.
Please tell us if you intend on coming and feel free to bring your friends :)

We look forward to seeing you!
Your International Welcome Center Team

  • Date: Thursday, January 19, 2023, starting 7 p.m.
  • Place: Restaurant Käthe (Barnstorfer Weg 10, KTV)
  • Language: English, German, as you like
  • Participation fee: none
  • Target group: international guest scientists, doctoral candidates, postdocs, family and friends
  • Registration: To reserve enough seats, please let us know if you will be coming.


Head of the International Welcome Center
Elisabeth Reich

Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498 1191

Office Hours
Tuesday 9 am - 12 pm 

Tuesday 2 pm - 4 pm

Thursday 9 am - 12 pm

(and by individual agreement)

Kröpeliner Straße 29, Room 104
18057 Rostock

Postal address
Universität Rostock
Rostock International House
International Welcome Center
18051 Rostock